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Any web application manipulates data and pydantic models help a lot in this. They accompany our application from validating the data in the API to serializing it in a query in the database. So pydantic models are some abstract schemas running back and forth. At least that's how I see it :) The same way can apply in filtering: define a schema and use it.

Basic BaseFilter usage

BaseFilter is a pydantic model.

Let's define a user schema and filters to it:

from typing import List

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic_filters import BaseFilter, SearchField

class UserSchema(BaseModel):
    id: int
    login: str
    full_name: str
    age: int
    email: str
    department_id: int

class UserFilter(BaseFilter):
    login: List[str]
    login__n: List[str]
    age__lt: int
    age__gt: int
    department_id: List[int]
    department_id__n: List[int]
    q: str = SearchField(target=["login", "name", "email"]) 

Unlike BaseModel, all fields in BaseFilter are optional. This is probably the only major difference between filter models and pydantic models. This behavior can be changed in the configuration, see FilterConfigDict.optional.

A UserFilter is equivalent to the following pydantic model:

class UserFilterEquivalent(BaseModel):
    login: List[str] = None
    login__n: List[str] = None
    age__lt: int = None
    age__gt: int = None
    department_id: List[int] = None
    department_id__n: List[int] = None
    q: str = None 

Any field can be made required, you just need to add Ellipsis:

id: int = ...

There are seven filters defined in UserFilter:

  • login - list of include strings.
  • login__n - list of excluding strings.
  • age__lt - maximum age.
  • age__gt - minimum age.
  • department_id - list of including numbers.
  • department_id__n - list of excluding numbers.
  • q - search field by login, name or e-mail.

The UserFilter(department_id=[3, 4], age__gt=18) condition will be interpreted as:

All users over 18 years of age from department number 3 OR 4.

As you may have already noticed, how a field will be filtered is determined by the field suffix and the type annotation:

  • login: str ~ login = value
  • login: List[str] ~ login IN (value1, value2, ...)
  • login__n: List[str] ~ login NOT IN (value1, value2, ...)
  • age__gt: int ~ age >= value
  • age__gt: List[int] ~ age >= value1 OR age >= value2 OR ...


The complete list of operators is defined in FilterType.


You can override the available suffixes and their associated operators in the model configuration FilterConfigDict.suffixes_map.

Quite often there is a need to filter on related tables in the database. In addition to the user schema, let's define the department schema:

from typing import List

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic_filters import BaseFilter, SearchField

class DepartmentSchema(BaseModel):
    id: int
    chef_id: int

class UserSchema(BaseModel):
    id: int
    login: str
    full_name: str
    age: int
    email: str
    department_id: int

class DepartmentFilter(BaseFilter):
    chef_id: List[int]
    chef_id__n: List[int]

class UserFilter(BaseFilter):
    login: List[str]
    login__n: List[str]
    age__lt: int
    age__gt: int
    department_id: List[int]
    department_id__n: List[int]
    q: str = SearchField(target=["login", "full_name", "email"])
    # Related filter!
    department: DepartmentFilter

Support for filtering by related models depends on the driver you are using.

For example, in the case of SQLAlchemy:

import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as so

class Base(so.DeclarativeBase):

class Department(Base):
    __tablename__ = "departments"

    id: so.Mapped[int] = so.mapped_column(primary_key=True)
    chef_id: so.Mapped[int] = so.mapped_column(sa.ForeignKey(""))

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = "users"

    id: so.Mapped[int] = so.mapped_column(primary_key=True)
    login: so.Mapped[str]
    full_name: so.Mapped[str]
    age: so.Mapped[int]
    email: so.Mapped[str]
    department_id: so.Mapped[int] = so.mapped_column(sa.ForeignKey(""))

    department: so.Mapped[Department] = so.relationship(foreign_keys="User.department_id")

Here, department_id is defined as a foreign key and department provides access to the external table.


The FilterField and SearchField functions are used to customize and add metadata to model fields.

Target and Type setting

When defining a filter for each field, the target attribute name (target) and the filter type (type) are defined.

The following two filters are equivalents:

from typing import List

from pydantic_filters import BaseFilter, FilterField

class CarFilter(BaseFilter):
    color: List[str]
    color__n: List[str]

class DirectCarFilter(BaseFilter):
    color: List[str] = FilterField(target="color", type_="eq")
    color__n: List[str] = FilterField(target="color", type_="ne")

But sometimes it may be necessary to name fields differently:

from typing import List

from pydantic_filters import BaseFilter, FilterField

class DirectCarFilter(BaseFilter):
    include_color: List[str] = FilterField(target="color", type_="eq")
    exclude_color: List[str] = FilterField(target="color", type_="ne")

Pydantic compatibility

Both functions FilterField and SearchField are compatible with the pydantic.Field and will work as if the arguments were passed directly to it.

from pydantic import Field
from pydantic_filters import BaseFilter, FilterField

class UserFilter(BaseFilter):
    age__lt: int = FilterField(gt=0, le=100)
    age__gt: int = Field(gt=0, le=100)  # The same

The next option is also possible:

from typing import List

from pydantic import Field
from pydantic_filters import BaseFilter, FilterField

class CarFilter(BaseFilter):
    exclude_color: List[str] = Field(
        default=FilterField(target="color", type_="ne"), 


As in pydantic, filter behavior can be controlled using FilterConfigDict.


Specifies the delimiter for the suffix. Defaults to __.


By default, all fields are optional. When optional = False the filter behavior does not differ from pydantic.BaseModel.


Filter type in case it cannot be “guessed”. The default is FilterType.eq.


Search type in case it cannot be “guessed”. The default is SearchType.case_insensitive.


Map the prefix mapping to the filter type. Defined by the function get_suffixes_map.


List of types whose annotations are taken as sequences. The default is (list, set).